Distance: 8.2 miles round trip
Elevation gain: 800 ft.
Direction to Trailhead: The trailhead is located approximately 3.8 miles from the intersection of Mulholland Highway & Little Sycamore Canyon Road. From the Valley you can take Highway 23 south to Mulholland. Turn right at Mulholland & right again at Little Sycamore Canyon. (For a less windy road, you can also take Malibu Canyon to PCH. From PCH take Yerba Buena Road north near County Line. The parking lot is marked by a sign that indicates VC 7.00 on the southwest side of the road.
The Hike: The new segment of the Backbone Trail features mostly upland vegetation. There are a number of spectacular views toward the Pacific Ocean. This segment completes virtually all of the Backbone Trail within Ventura County.We can have lunch on an outcropping of rocks just a short distance down the road from the end of the trail (turn right). Then we'll return to the parking lot for refreshments. There are no bathroom facilities.